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Beiken helps Karamay Red Cross development

小编 2024-05-21

On May 15, Beiken received a letter of thanks and a certificate of honor from Karamay Red Cross Society, thanking Beiken for its generous donation in the "May 8 Humanitarian Public Welfare Day" crowdfunding activity, which was used for Karamay Red Cross Society to purchase an emergency rescue machine and allocate it to the crowded public places in Karamay to support the development of the local Red Cross cause with practical actions. To help improve the lives, health and safety of the people of Karamay.


On the occasion of the 77th "World Red Cross Day", the Karamay Red Cross Society launched the proposal of "May 8 Humanitarian Public Welfare Day" crowdfunding activities in the city, and the crowdfunding projects are "Karamay Emergency rescue Machine" and "Karamay mobile first Aid Kit"

After receiving the initiative, Beiken responded immediately and made a generous donation to the crowdfunding campaign for the purchase of emergency rescue all-in-one machines to help protect the lives of citizens.

In an all-in-one ambulance, an automated external defibrillator (AED) is a portable medical device that can diagnose specific arrhythmias and administer electric shock defibrillation. It is understood that 90% of cardiac arrest occurs outside the hospital, when cardiac arrest, the most effective treatment is in the best rescue time "golden 4 minutes", the patient for cardiopulmonary resuscitation + automatic external defibrillator (AED) defibrillation treatment.


An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a medical device that is easy to operate and can be used by non-specialists to save patients from cardiac arrest. In cardiac arrest, AED defibrillation is performed within one minute, and the rescue success rate can reach 90%, and the rescue success rate decreases by 10% for each minute of delay.

It is believed that with the more perfect installation of the emergency rescue machine in the public places of Karamay, it will be more conducive to protecting the life and health of Karamay citizens, especially the treatment of diseases in emergency situations.

Over the years, Beiken has been adhering to the concept of "people-oriented, giving back to the society", actively fulfilling social responsibilities and paying attention to people's well-being. This donation activity not only reflects Beiken's concern and support for social welfare undertakings, but also shows the company's active responsibility for social responsibility.

上一篇:The first session of Southwest
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